Advisory Council - Advisory Board
Oliver K. Valet first studied chemistry in Ulm and at the Free University of Berlin. In the research group of Prof. Dr. H. Baumgärtel at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, he obtained his doctorate in 2000 with the elucidation of molecular processes at the electrochemical phase boundary of manufactured nanostructures by in situ scanning electron microscopy.
Dr. Oliver K. Valet founded APSys in 1999 while still working on his dissertation and took over its inventions with rap.ID in 2003. Since then, the company has become a technology leader in the rapid and automatic detection of microparticles and in the visualisation of silicone layers. These rapidly provide critical quality parameters in the manufacture and development of injectables. As the only company worldwide, rap.ID has developed Raman and LIBS technology in one microscope for fully automated detection of particle number, size and particle materials and markets the technology worldwide.
The combination of image analysis and Raman spectroscopy resulted in a first product idea for the "automatic identification of individual germs" for which rap.ID was nominated for the Innovation Award of the German Economy in the category Start-Up in 2005.
Within rap.ID, Dr. Valet is one of the two managing directors responsible for product management and worldwide marketing and sales. Working at both locations in Berlin, Germany, and Princeton, New Jersey, Dr. Valet has gained two decades of experience in the sales of laboratory services and analytical instruments in the regulated GMP environment.